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I am so excited to begin a new sermon series this Sunday that will take most of the summer.  We’re going to be studying a beautiful section of scripture at the beginning of the book of Revelation.  In this part of scripture Jesus gives 7 letters to 7 churches reminding them that He is with them and encouraging them to persevere - to cling to Him until the end. 

Jesus ascended to Heaven on behalf of His Church, His Bride. He sent His Spirit to gather Her to himself and to be with Her. While the church waits for His return she is drawn away by temptation and suffering so He reminds Her of who He is, what He's done for Her - and that He is with Her.

In these letters He identifies the ways that they are threatened - drawn to let go of their hope in Him because of either temptations or suffering.  He also reveals the specific aspect of Christ that combats each of those threats - showing that He is stronger and better. 

We, TAC, are a church, an expression of the Bride of Christ, so this letter is for us.  When we study it together it will read us, revealing the things that threaten our grip on the Gospel, and reveal the specific aspect of Christ that combats each of those threats so that our grip on the hope of the Gospel would be strengthened. He tells the church to look at Him, see him for who he is, and persevere in waiting for Him - because it will be worth it because He is worth it.

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