
Galatians 5:19-21

Sermon Outline:

  1. Idolatry and Sorcery feel opposed to atheism because they are supernatural. 
  2. Spiritual practices apart from God’s Word are not the work of the Holy Spirit
  3. Sins of hatred feel less fleshly than sins we perform with our body. 
  4. Sins of hatred are often the clearest evidence of hypocrisy in the church. 
  5. Sins of excess are often answered with legalism.
  6. Walking by the Spirit means Glorifying God for his good gifts rather than being mastered by them.
  7. The power of Christ’s death and resurrection is enough to free us from the sin of the flesh so we can walk by the Spirit. 

Family Discussion Questions:

1. What are some of the ways that sins like idolatry and sorcery might be found in the church today?

2. Why might a Christian feel a particular temptation to get involved with supernatural superstitions?

3. What does Paul show by placing sins of division in the middle of sins that we commit with our bodies?

4. Why are sins like hatred and division often treated as less serious?

5. Would any of your relationship show that you are ignoring sins of strife and division in your own life?

6. How is your relationship with your church? Does it reflect the unity and love of Christ that has brought us together?

7. What are some of the excesses in our culture that we are very comfortable with?

8. Have you been judging your standard before God based on your use of any of the gifts in His creation? 

9. What is Paul’s strong warning to anyone who is living according to their flesh?

10. What is this strong warning meant to make us see and remember?