
John 21:18-25

A Gospel Great Enough to Hold Christ's People Until He Returns

  1. Christ Completely Made God Known
  2. Christ Completed the Work to Bring Sinners to Know God
  3. The Holy Spirit Delivered a Complete Witness by Which God is Known Through Christ
  4. The Gospel of Christ, Delivered by the Spirit, is More than Enough to Carry Any Believer Through Any Circumstance Until We Meet Him Face to Face

 Questions for Discussion

  1. How did Jesus make God known during His roughly 30 years of life on this earth?
  2. How did Jesus complete the work to bring sinners to God on the cross?
  3. Since salvation is grasped by trusting in who Jesus is and what He did in those 30ish years, how did God make sure that we could be saved 2000 years later?
  4. What makes the Christian Scriptures unique from the scriptures of the world's religions?
  5. What is the difference between saying something is "complete" compared to "exhaustive"?
  6. Since we all will face different trials as we follow Christ, why is it important to know that God's Word is sufficient to lead any believer until Christ returns?
  7. Can you think of any ways that the church has been tempted to not believe this promise of the completeness of Christ's Work over the years?
  8. Can you think of any ways that the church over the years has been tempted to not believe this promise that the Holy Spirit's Work to deliver a complete witness of Christ's Work?
  9. Why is it good news that these things that we desperately needed are complete?
  10. How would we demonstrate that we believe in the completeness of the Work of Christ, and the completeness of the Spirit-breathed Word of Christ?