
Mark 10:13-31

Sermon Outline:

Who do we expect to be welcomed into the Kingdom of God?

Who does Jesus actually welcome into His Kingdom?

Who receives the treasures of the Kingdom of Heaven?


Family Discussion Questions:

Why might the disciples have turned away the children being brought to Jesus?

What about the heart of a child is necessary for everyone who receives the Kingdom of heaven?

What assumptions did the rich man expose in his question to Jesus: “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

Why does Jesus respond that no one is good but God?

What did Jesus’ discussion about the law expose in the rich man?

Why were the disciples so shocked and dismayed when this rich man went away sad?

What about possessions makes it hard to enter the kingdom of heaven? Is it because possessions are inherently evil?

Is any man, rich or poor, able to save himself according to Jesus?

How does God make salvation possible when it is impossible for men?

Will God make sure that all of our sacrifices for his kingdom pay off in this life?

What is the treasure of the kingdom of God we receive even now?

What is the eternal treasure that we look forward to?

Explain Jesus’ final comment: many who are first will be last, and the last first.