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Isaiah 56:9-12

Sermon Outline:
1. God’s people need a Shepherd
2. God’s shepherd must know God’s Word
3. God’s shepherd must speak God’s Word
4. God’s shepherd must long for the good of God’s sheep
5. God’s shepherd must be joyfully sober-minded
6. God’s shepherd must have his eyes firmly fixed on the day of the Lord

Family Discussion Questions:
1.Who are the beasts of verse 9 and what was the feast they are being invited to? How does this foreshadow the second coming of Christ?
2. Who were supposed to be the watchmen or shepherds of God’s people?
3. Why do we need a shepherd?
4. What are some things that pastors are tempted to watch for instead of God’s Word?
5. What would make a pastor blind?
6. What would make a pastor silent?
7. What are the godly motivations of a shepherd of God’s people?
8. Why should our eyes always be set on the Day of the Lord?
9. Mention a few ways this passage shows that Jesus is the Good Shepherd
10. Why is it important to remember that pastors are under-shepherds and not the chief Shepherd?
11. Try to list the differences between a godly under-shepherd and Christ, the Chief Shepherd.
12. How are churches to submit to God in who they choose as pastors?
13. How are churches to submit to God in their job descriptions for those pastors?