
Isaiah 49-50

Sermon Outline:
1. A New Israel is chosen as light of the world to gather Israel from the ends of the earth
2. The New Israel is Himself the Covenant of freedom, inheritance, and care
3. Israel will be rebuilt by and with her former enemies
4. When the signal is lifted high the strong man will be bound and the nations will bring in Israel’s children
5. The inexcusable failure of God’s people
6. The obedient, dependant, and vindicated suffering of New Israel
7. Two ways to live: fire starters or Messiah-trusters

Family Discussion Questions:
1. How is it that the Lord Jesus can be called “Israel”?
2. Why is Christ’s mouth called a sword?
3. Isaiah prophesied that Christ would suffer, but what will happen to Him in the end?
4. Who rejected the Lord Jesus when He came?
5. What does it mean that Jesus Himself is the covenant?
6. What benefits of the covenant are mentioned here?
7. How is it that Zion’s enemies would rebuild her?
8. How is it that Zion will be rebuilt with her enemies?
9. What “problem” will there be regarding Israel’s borders?
10. What is the signal that will gather in Zion’s children from the nations?
11. How did the cross of Christ bind the strongman?
12. How does 50:1-3 rebuke excuses commonly given for rejecting salvation?
13. What does 50:4-9 tell us about the life of Jesus and how does that shape our own?
14. Describe the two ways to respond to the Gospel in 50:10-11