
First Samuel 18-20

Sermon Outline

  1. The Lord's hand is on His messiah which causes both great affection and great jealousy

  2. The Lord will not let His messiah's life be taken from him

  3. An everlasting covenant with the Lord's messiah comes with both humiliation and blessing

Family Discussion Questions:

  1. How did the Lord demonstrate that His hand was upon David and would bless David's role as anointed king (little 'm' messiah)?
  2. David's life just couldn't be taken from him -the Lord would not let anyone stop him from his saving work of Israel. What does it say then about the love of Jesus for the church that He did die, but that he willingly laid down his life rather than it being taken from him?
  3. What was the cost for Jonathan to be in a covenant with David? How many of those 'costs' are costs that you also face to being in a covenant with David's great Son Jesus?
  4. What is the difference between a 'cost' (which we would strongly affirm) to belonging to Christ and paying for it (which we would strongly reject)?
  5. Jonathan's greatest hope for his covenant with David was going to be realized after his death. How is that similar for Christians in covenant with Jesus? 
  6. What is the one "thing" that puts a person into a permanent covenant of love with Jesus?