
Matthew 6:5 - 18

Sermon Outline:

  • Done before God (vs 5 - 6)
  • Done sincerely (vs 7 -8)
  • Desires God's will (vs 9 - 13)
  • Demonstrated towards others (vs 14 - 15)
  • Deserving of rewards (vs 16 - 18)

Family Discussion Questions:

  1. What makes how we worship different than other virtues like patience?
  2. Who was the example of worship given?  Can you think of any others?
  3. What is in a name?  What does God's name being holy mean?
  4. What does the "your kingdom come" mean?  How is it related to the story of Scripture?
  5. What two ways do true worshipers show their love for God?
  6. Why do you think the Bible promises believers rewards?