
Philippians 2:12-18

Sermon Outline:

  1. ...because the fear and joy of God's judgement propels our Gospel obedience
  2. ...because God Himself propels our Gospel obedience
  3. ...because of the joy of being set apart from the fleeting kingdom of this world
  4. ...because of the joy of the Church's Gospel boasting

Family Discussion Questions:

Younger and Older: 

  • You cannot earn a place in Heaven, but how does thinking about what God will say about your actions on the last day help you to obey Him?
  • How is it possible for sinful people to actually do what pleases God?
  • What sins that we think are little, does God say belong in the kingdom of Satan and not in the Kingdom of His Son?
  • If the Philippian Church didn't let go of grumbling and selfishness, would Paul have been able to boast about what Christ did in them?

Deeper Discussion: 

  • How do we know that the warnings and encouragements in this passage are not only meant for new and "unsuccessful" Christians?
  • Do you take responsibility for your own Gospel motivations or have you given that responsibility to someone else? 
  • Explain why you cannot cling to selfishness and the Gospel at the same time.
  • What would you tell someone who is waiting for God to give the motivation and power to obey Him?
  • How does the joy of causing someone else to praise God motivate your pursuit of Gospel obedience?