
Philippians 1:18b-26

Sermon Outline:

1. Joy that rests on Jesus is confident in all circumstances

2. Our joy in suffering is God working all things for our salvation

3. Our joy in life is serving Jesus’ church

4. Our joy in death is seeing Jesus  

Family Discussion Questions:

Older and Younger:

  • Why was Paul sure he could always be joyful? 
  • How could Paul rejoice even when he was suffering? 
  • What did God use to grow Paul’s joy and faith even when he was suffering? 
  • Doing what things gave Paul the most joy during his life? 
  • What does it mean for people who believe in Jesus that “to die is gain?”

Deeper Discussion:

  • When our joy rests in the magnification of Christ, how does this change our priorities? 
  • When our joy rests in the magnification of Christ, how does this change our relationship with members of His church? 
  • In what ways should our lives now be preparing us to enjoy our life with Christ in eternity? 
  • In what ways should a Christian approach to death be different than the approach of a non-believer? How do we grieve for the dead while celebrating the reality of our eternal life? 
  • In what ways do we compromise to try and appease Christ while keeping our joy rooted in things other than him?