
Exodus 3

Sermon Outline

  1. God is Holy and Heavenly
  2. God is at Hand
  3. Held up by the God who is held up by no one
  4. Hope in God's promises comes by a revelation of Himself

Discussion Questions

  • Throughout Israel's wanderings, they were to recognize that they were to follow Moses, but that God was actually their Shepherd.  Why is this important for both Israel and Moses to remember? Why is this helpful for churches to consider?
  • What was Moses' reaction to the revelation of God?
  • Why is it important to remember that God is Heavenly, or transcendent?  How would forgetting that mess us up?
  • Why is it important to remember that God is also at hand - or imminent?  How would forgetting that mess us up?
  • God tells Moses that His Name is "I AM WHO I AM".  What do we mean when we say that God is self-existent, or held up by no one?  
  • Why would it calm our hearts to know that we are held up by the One who is held up by no one?
  • What is the difference between discovery and revelation?  Why is revelation essential for knowing God's promises and trusting God's promises?
  • Jesus is the most clear and perfect revelation of God.  He is God.  How was God both at hand and heavenly (transcendent and imminent) in sending Jesus?
  • John 10 gives a very clear picture of when the actual Shepherd of Israel came in the flesh to Shepherd her.  Moses was shepherding the people on God's behalf.  Jesus was the actual shepherd.  What did He do for His sheep as their true shepherd that Moses didn't do?
  • How does beholding Jesus by hearing and reading the Scripture work faith in His promises?  
  • What is your personal plan to keep God's revelation of Himself in front of you?  How do personal study, Bible study with other believers, the public proclaiming of the Word in the worship service shape your life?