
1 Corinthians 7:6-9, 1 Corinthians 7:29-35, 1 Peter 4:8-11

Sermon Outline:

· Both the married and the single have an important place in the family of God for the sake of the family of God

· There are particular opportunities for ministry with particular  blessings for singles

· Singles and married people should honour and appreciate each other as members of the same family


Discussion Questions:

1.    Is singleness or marriage better or worse for those who are a part of God’s family?

2.    In what ways might we misunderstand singleness that does not honour the singles in our church family?

3.    What are bad reasons to choose to remain single? What are good reasons?

4.    What are bad reasons to choose to get married? What are good reasons?

5.    How does thinking your marriage as a way to serve change your thinking on the need to be married?

6.   What particular benefits come with being single in God’s family?

7.   What is God’s way of growing his family? Are singles kept from that?

8.    Why is it helpful to remember that the family of God is the reality of which marriage is a shadow of?

9.   How are we as a church family called to honour and respect the single people among us?

10.  In what ways can we value the ministry of the gospel that lifts up those who have chosen to devote their lives to the church apart from having a family?

11.  How can the choices about who we spend time with show how we are loving the diverse people in God’s family?

12.  What practical ways are we called to love the members of the church family whose lives are different than ours?