
James 2:1-13


#1. Verse1: The Cross of Christ Means that Favoritism is Excluded in the Family of God

#2. Verses 2-7: Jesus' Judgement is not Influenced by What People Can Offer Him

#3. Verses 8-11: Favoritism Rejects Christ's Law

#4. Verses 12-13: Favoritism Rejects Christ's Gospel

Questions for Discussion

  1. Is respect for the poor (or others who may be different from you) something that makes you acceptable in God's sight, or does being truly saved by Christ change you to walk in this way? Is it the way to be saved, or is it the fruit of salvation?
  2. What does this text tell us about the importance of the gathering of the church family?  What are we communicating to the world and to each other when we gather together for the worship service?
  3. What does it tell us about God that He does not exclude the poor from His Kingdom?
  4. What does it tell us about Christianity that historically it is a faith that has typically been more embraced by the poor?
  5. Does being very passionate about parts of God's law make up for rejecting other parts of God's law?
  6. What does it say about God that partiality is condemned in His law?
  7. Does refusing to show mercy make a person lose their salvation, or is it a sign that they've not truly been saved?
  8. In what ways are you tempted to prefer to gather with people who are like you?
  9. In what ways are you tempted to prefer to show kindness to those who make it worth your while?  Are you more likely to serve and recognize people who can return the favour?