
John 10:31-42; Psalm 82

The religious leaders were so outraged that Jesus would verbally agree to what His life, His teaching, His miracles, and 2000 years worth of prophecies (before He came!) clearly testified of: that He was God the Son. Through this passage, each person is asked to consider the following question: Were you to stand before God after your life were over, and if Jesus truly was God, would you truly be able to tell Him that He did not give enough evidence for this? John the Baptizer, the last of the prophets sent from God before Christ, and the only one to finally see promised Rescuer, spoke on behalf of all of the other prophets - pointing to Jesus and essentially saying: "He's the One God had always been speaking about!" If you agree with John's testimony about Jesus, turning away from rebellion against Him and turn to faith in Him, your sin is forgiven and God makes you as only Jesus by nature deserves: a beloved child of God- forever.